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General-purpose Face Recognition Server Software

SSID Server

High-performance face recognition server software that enables customers to incorporate face recognition and robot attack detection functions into their own services and applications via APIs.

API and System.png


1. Uses the Most Accurate Facial Recognition Model
The model is about 50 times more accurate than the face recognition model used in our face recognition devices, making it ideal for situations that require a particularly high level of security, such as eKYC, face payment, and data center entry/exit. 

2. Quick Response to Large Transaction Volumes
This highly accurate yet compact face recognition model can handle a large volume of transactions at high speed.

3. No Need to Link User Information to Our CompanySince it is implemented in the customer's environment, there is no need to link user information to our company.
Can be implemented in either on-premise or cloud environments.

Main Functions

  • Face Detection

  • 1:1 Face Recognition

  • 1:N Face Recognition

  • Attribute Analysis (gender, age, masked or unmasked)

  • Biometric Detection (image, video, interactive)

*See the API Function List for details.

Server Requirements

サーバ要件_SSID Server(EN).png

Algorithm Performance Indicators

サーバ要件_SSID Server(EN).png

API Function List

API機能一覧_SSID Server_1(EN).png
API機能一覧_SSID Server_1-2(EN).png
API機能一覧_SSID Server_2(EN).png
API機能一覧_SSID Server_3(EN).png

Please feel free to contact us
for consultation and quotation requests.

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